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How Herzog Defines Quality

At Herzog, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional service and elite results to our customers. To perpetually maintain these high standards, we have launched a quality initiative that aims to deliver a Quality Management System for continual improvement.

Our mission statement is simple: Deliver a Quality Management System for Continual Improvement, Exceptional Service, and Elite Results. We believe that quality is not a one-time thing; it’s a journey that mirrors our culture. To achieve our goals, we have implemented many components to our Quality Management System.

Quality Control and Quality Assurance are two of the most critical components of our quality initiative. Quality Control focuses on internal processes that help us to do things right the first time. Quality Assurance, on the other hand, is more outward-facing, focusing on customer satisfaction and how our products and services meet their needs.

Our main goal is to continually look for ways to improve and standardize what we do and the products and services we provide. The first step towards achieving this is to get back to the basics or as Bill and Stan Herzog would say – “spray the weeds”– meaning that details are important and that you only have one chance to make a first impression.


The following strategies help us achieve these goals:


Quality Training

Educate our employees through training modules on the importance of quality, what it means to the company, and how they can contribute to our quality management system.


5S Process Implementation

Implement “5S”, a 5-step process for cleanup and organizing our shops and workspaces to improve efficiency and productivity. The Five S’s stand for Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.


Inventory Control

Strengthen our inventory systems to help us better monitor and manage our stock levels, reduce waste, and build processes to have the right products and materials available when we need them.


Create Efficiencies

Identify areas where we can streamline our processes and reduce inefficiencies.


Quality Reviews

Quality Plan reviews and creations will help us standardize our best practices, providing the tools and training to deliver the best product or service to our customers. Routine workplace evaluations will be focused on efficiencies that will help us identify areas where we can improve our productivity and reduce waste. We will then refine or produce written procedures to provide all employees with the latest standards and best practices.


Quality Assurance

We are expanding our roles from just compliance to Quality Assurance, so every employee understands their responsibility to deliver high-quality products and services. To make this visible to everyone, we are introducing visual cues such as gray hard hats for quality personnel, hard hat stickers with easy-to-remember slogans for all employees, and posters to reinforce our objectives.


In conclusion, Herzog’s quality initiative is a journey towards delivering excellence through continual improvement. We are committed to providing exceptional service and elite results to our customers by implementing a quality management system that focuses on standardization, efficiency, and productivity. We believe that quality is not just a goal; it is our culture, and we are excited about this initiative to improve our quality and exceed our customers’ expectations.