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Bryan Jones

Herzog Contracting Corp. – Vice President of Project Delivery – Heavy Highway

Bryan Jones is a construction professional with more than 27 years of experience in the industry. In his role as Vice President, he is the chief estimator and project manager for the heavy highway division. Bryan leads the bids for all state Department of Transportation projects for Missouri and Kansas, city authorities, commercial and private jobs throughout Northwest Missouri and Northeast Kansas regions. For Herzog’s asphalt projects, he oversees project controls and setup, issuance of subcontracts, purchase orders, contract negotiations, managing daily operations, owner communications, and closeout.

Prior to moving into the heavy highway division, Bryan began his construction career as a project estimator and engineer for rail construction work ranging from $1 million to $165 million. His projects included Sound Transit Rainier Valley Link LRT C735 and the TECO Line Streetcar in Tampa, FL.

Bryan received a Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering from Missouri Western State University.

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