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PTC Hosting

Simplify PTC implementation

Positive Train Control Program Management

Herzog’s Positive Train Control (PTC) Hosting provides all required functionality for a PTC back office. We are proud to be an ASLRRA Preferred Provider for CI-BOS Hosted Services.

Whether it be C/I BOS, PTC Messaging, Interoperable Federation, or 24/7 support, our highly-available, highly-secure hosting platform provides railroads all facets required to operate in a PTC environment.

Related Capabilities Related Innovations
Applications + Purpose
Who We Serve
Class 1 railroads
Short line railroads
Rail transit systems

Centralized PTC hosting services

By centralizing personnel, hardware, data center space, and commercial circuits, Herzog drives down systems complexity and offers a more reliable and timely solution to customers.

PTC Hosting Features

PTC functionality

All required back-office functions are centralized and provided as a complete service.

Accelerated timeline

With an aggressive design philosophy, Herzog has greatly reduced the time it takes to deploy a PTC Back Office.


Nationwide availability

Hosting is available for any Class I, short line, or commuter railroad in the United States.

Fully federated and interoperable

Herzog was the first non-railroad entity with a connection to the Federated Network, and the first non-railroad to obtain Federation of the PTC messaging system.

Secure & reliable

Herzog’s infrastructure is in a state-of-the-art data center, with geographic redundancy, 99.99% system availability, and disaster recovery. Customer data is fully secure.

Configuration management integration

Configuration management and version control are fully integrated into our PTC hosting process on all systems.