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Multi-Purpose Machine

MPM® - Versatility in material handling

On-Track Maintenance Material Distribution and Pick-Up Machine

Herzog saw an immediate need for increasing the speed of loading and unloading various materials with increased versatility and safety. Thus, the Multi-Purpose Machine (MPM) was born.

The MPM performs numerous material handling tasks along the railroad right-of-way (ROW) for both routine maintenance or emergency response situations.

Related Capabilities
MPM® Services
Ballast and rip rap distribution
Rail and tie pickup and distribution
Rail shearing
ROW ditching, profiling, and drainage
Brush cutting and tree removal
Snow removal and land clearing
Pole removal
PTC, signals, and communications installation
Related Industries
Class 1 railroads
Short line railroads
Rail transit systems
Material yards
Timber industry
Quarries and cement plants

Improving safety, speed, and functionality

When working in demanding railroad corridors, the MPM safely and efficiently performs a variety of on-track maintenance-of-way tasks for our nation’s Class I railroad engineering departments.

MPM Features