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GPS Ballast Trains

Patented trains for precision ballast placement

GPS Ballast Train Technology

Herzog’s high-speed GPS ballast trains are used to unload ballast with pinpoint accuracy and reduce time spent on your track.

The Programmable Linear Unloading System (PLUS) or SMART train can be used ahead of tie gangs, steel gangs, surfacing projects, or for new construction on skeletonized track.

Related Capabilities
Applications + Purpose
Precision, high-speed ballast placement
New track construction
Related Industries
Class 1 railroads
Short line railroads
Rail transit systems

Safe, efficient technology

Our trains provide a site-specific solution to ballast unloading without the need for ground personnel on dangerous and unstable walking surfaces of ballasted track and without the harmful effects of silica dust inhalation.

PLUS & SMART Train Features

Performance Statistics

  • High-speed ballast unloading at up to 20mph
  • Can be used 24/7 in wet or dry conditions
  • Operated by a single Herzog technician
  • Automation system maintained by Herzog
  • No personnel required outside on the ground
  • No exposure to silica dust
  • Fully automated unloading avoiding manual manipulation of ballast doors