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Clip Car

Clip ties efficiently

Install Clips and Insulators
on Concrete Ties

The Clip Car is a self-propelled car can be used for maintenance activities or follow a new construction machine, automatically securing concrete ties once insulators and steel clips have been properly placed by Herzog operators.

Related Capabilities
Applications + Purpose
Tie clipping
New construction
Related Industries
Class 1 and short line railroads
Rail transit clients
Industrial clients

Faster clipping method

Herzog’s Clip Car was developed to clip ties safely, quickly, and efficiently. The machine fastens rails to ties during new track construction, rail changeout, and distressing projects.

ClipCar Process

Position plastic insulators

The rail is shifted using a guiding roller, allowing plastic insulators to be easily positioned on the outer sides of the rail.

Fasten clips

The clips are fastened by a hydraulically-operated workhead that secures the clip into place. This method reduces the likelihood of rail clips getting misaligned.

Secure concrete ties

Concrete ties are automatically secured once insulators and steel clips have been properly placed by Herzog operators.

Clip Car Features