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Solar Ballast Car

Reliable, safe, and easier than manual unloading

Ballast Unloading Machine for Track Construction

Herzog looked to take the labor out of the manually operating doors on standard ballast cars and create a safer, more efficient solution by replacing them with hydraulically-powered doors that are controlled remotely.

In doing so, Herzog reduced the number of employees needed for operation, only requiring a single operator, which reduces manual labor and employee time while increasing overall operating efficiency.

Related Capabilities Related Innovation
Applications + Purpose
Ballast unloading in shorter distances
ROW maintenance
Related Industries
Class 1 railroads
Short line railroads
Rail transit systems


During ballast distribution, our remotely operated hydraulically-powered doors provide easy opening and closing. The doors eliminate the need for manual manipulation/operation, and only a single operator is required for ballast distribution, increasing efficiency and safety for your employees.

Solar Ballast Car Features