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U.S. Rep. Troy Nehls Tours Herzog During Joint NRC-REMSA Grassroots Event

Pictured L to R: Travis Rollings (VP of System Services – HTI), Troy Elbert (SVP of Quality Assurance & Rail Detection Innovation) Mike McGonagle (NRC VP of Government Affairs & Operations), Jim Hanlon (President – HTI), Troy Nehls (U.S. Rep., TX-22), Mike Curto (Legislative Director for U.S. Rep. Troy Nehls), Jim Hansen (Chief Commercial Officer, Freight – HCC)

Herzog recently hosted a joint NRC-REMSA grassroots event in its Texas office, where U.S. Rep Troy Nehls (TX-22) was welcomed as a special guest. The event was part of the NRC program that facilitates direct interactions between U.S. representatives and senators and NRC members to enhance their understanding of the rail industry and how contractors are contributing to the local and national economy. During the event, Herzog’s Jim Hanlon showcased some of the safe and innovative technologies that Herzog Technologies Inc. (HTI) is working on for the betterment of the industry. “Being able to share with the Congressman what HTI is all about and show him some of the safe and applicable technologies that [we work] on for the betterment of the industry was a great experience,” said Hanlon. To learn more about the more on NRC’s website.


Troy Nehls (U.S. Rep., TX-22) and Herzog’s Jim Hansen