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Corey Thomas

President – Herzog Solutions, LLC

With 14 years of experience in project management and consulting, Corey Thomas has the operational responsibility to deliver timely, comprehensive support to the communities and agencies we serve during times of crisis. Corey’s expertise centers on assisting local and state governments in implementing disaster response and recovery programs such as debris removal, demolition, waterway debris removal, biosecurity response and logistics support. Applying his experience and detailed understanding of federal grant programs such as FEMA’s Public Assistance and Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs, Corey ensures Herzog prioritizes efficient and effective operations while maximizing reimbursement for our clients.

Prior to joining Herzog, Corey served as Vice President of a disaster debris monitoring firm and grant management consultancy. Throughout his career, Corey has spearheaded more than 40 critical disaster response efforts, playing pivotal roles in major recovery operations across the United States.

Corey holds a Master of Business Administration from the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College and a Bachelor of Science from Grand Valley State University.

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