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Scott Norman

Herzog Contracting Corp. – Executive Vice President of Construction, National Construction

Scott Norman has been closely involved in the construction industry for more than 45 years. He has dedicated his career to building customer relationships and identifying key pursuits for U.S. transit projects. As Executive Vice President of Construction, Scott leads national construction efforts in North America and has the business responsibility for all national construction work. He is responsible for leading operations, partnership development, customer relationships, and identifying key projects.

Since assuming his executive management responsibilities with Herzog, he has been actively involved in over $10B of contract work in both conventional and alternative delivery construction contracts for rail transportation and light rail transit projects.

He began his career with Herzog in 1999 where he started as a project manager in San Diego, CA. In 2010, Scott was appointed Vice President of Estimating and Project Development and promoted to Executive Vice President of Construction in 2023.

Prior to Herzog, Scott worked for Hood Corporation out of Whittier, CA where he progressed through the ranks from Laborer to Project Manager to Chief Estimator. Scott holds a certificate in Construction Management from San Diego State University.

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