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Shanda Durbin

Vice President of Human Resources

Shanda Durbin oversees all human resources functions for the entire Herzog enterprise. Shanda ensures that all efforts surrounding talent acquisition; training and development; compensation and benefits; performance management; and enterprise guidelines are all aligned with Herzog’s long-term organizational goals. With more than ten years of experience in human resource (HR) planning and administration, she leads the HR team in shaping the employee experience for more than 2,800 individuals across the company.

Instrumental to executive management, Shanda supports the prioritization of strategic initiatives that strengthen Herzog’s ability to drive change in leadership, culture, and employee engagement. She collaborates and consults with each of our senior leaders to help develop Herzog’s workforce; plan and execute companywide best practices; and promote organizational resilience. Shanda’s responsibilities also extend to the supervision of the company’s Creative Services team, where she ensures that marketing initiatives are consistent with Herzog’s operational objectives and contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Shanda holds a bachelor’s degree in Corporate Wellness from Northwest Missouri State University (NWMSU) and is currently serving on the NWMSU Board of Regents. She is also a member of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) and local SHRM-affiliate organization, Human Resources Management Association of Northwest Missouri. Shanda also serves on the Veteran’s Committee for the National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association, Inc., where she contributes to initiatives supporting veterans within the railroad industry.

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