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Nancy Lira elected to serve as NAWIC LA treasurer

Now that Nancy has assumed a larger role on the Board of Directors, she hopes to increase funding and reach for NAWIC LA’s efforts that support young women considering careers in construction.

Herzog’s Nancy Lira, pictured third from right, at the annual NAWIC LA Board of Directors induction ceremony.


This fall, Herzog’s Nancy Lira was elected Treasurer for the Los Angeles Chapter of National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC LA). Nancy has worked for Herzog for 20 years in southwest California and is currently the office manager for the Herzog Contracting Corp. western division regional office. Nancy is responsible for payroll oversight, accounts payable, and contract and labor compliance for both Herzog employees and subcontractors working on area rail construction projects. Her current and past contracts include the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Mainline, Division 16: Southwestern Yard,  and SANDAG & MTA Job Order Contracts.

Just a few years ago, Nancy joined NAWIC LA as a member and was quickly appointed to Board of Directors. Initially, she simply wanted to connect with other women in the construction industry but soon discovered that the organization offered more than just personal development.

“I have met so many inspiring women that have exposed me to new processes that help me better execute in my job. We are able to draw knowledge from each other,” she explained. “I have also learned that being connected to organizations like NAWIC helps me to find strong female candidates for Herzog to hire that can fulfill our female labor participation requirements on our projects, which are typical in southern California.”

Nancy’s unmistakable work ethic at Herzog and involvement with NAWIC indicates she is clearly focused on the future. “I am looking to mentor anyone who is willing. A few key managers have helped me along since I started at Herzog, so I want to return the favor however I can. I never thought I would be with one company for this long, but I love what I do,” Nancy shared. “I have now mentored both Herzog employees and subcontractors. This ongoing training enables the next person to fill in the minute a new position opens up.”

Nancy is thrilled that her chapter has seen a 500% increase in membership in just a few years. As a result, NAWIC LA has ramped up their fundraising efforts to support high school girls studying science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Each year, NAWIC LA awards three Girls in STEM Scholarships to college-bound high school seniors.

“I am so grateful that Herzog sponsors NAWIC. It gets our name out there and shows our support for girls (and women) who want to explore careers in construction,” she said. “I encourage every construction company to get involved.” One of Nancy’s mentors, Gerry Di Ioli, Herzog director of track infrastructure (pictured at left), served as a speaker and scholarship presenter at the 57th Annual Installation and Scholarship Ceremony.

The chapter’s next fundraising opportunity will be held during Women in Construction Week (March 3-9, 2019). Event details will be posted on the NAWIC LA website as they become available.




National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) is an international association serving 120+ chapters across the United States. It was founded in 1953 to enhance the success of women in the construction industry as “Women in Construction of Fort Worth, Texas.” In 1955, the charter was expanded to allow chapters to form across the country and NAWIC was born. The organization’s core purpose is “To enhance the success of women in the construction industry.” The association has expanded to include international affiliates in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. Visit NAWIC online at