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OKC Streetcar makes its long-anticipated debut

With 22 station stops, the colorful cars are expected to carry 10,000 to 15,000 riders over the course of opening weekend. Rides on the streetcar are free until February 1st, 2019. After that, fares are $1 for a single ride.

Big news for downtown Oklahoma City! The newly constructed OKC Streetcar system launched passenger rail operations today connecting downtown Oklahoma City with the EMBARK bus, ferry, parking, and bike share network. The riders are ready – it’s been nearly a decade since Oklahoma City residents voted in favor of the revival of its early streetcar system through MAPS 3, a sales tax-financed public works program.

HCC/S&WI Constructors, a joint venture of Herzog Contracting Corp. and Stacy & Witbeck Inc., first broke ground on the project in 2016. The line included the construction of 4.6-miles of track, overhead catenary power, and an operations and maintenance (O&M) facility. As the joint venture finished construction this fall, Herzog Transit Services, Inc. ramped up its efforts as the O&M contractor in preparation for the end-of-year opening.

For detailed information, fares, and more, visit


Editor’s note: Article has been updated on 1.4.18 to reflect the decision by EMBARK to extend free service past the original date of January 5th to February 1st.